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21 Of the Shloshah, he was more honored than the two; for he was their Sar; howbeit he attained not to the [first] Shloshah [in comparison].

22 Benayah Ben Yehoyada, a valiant man of Kavtze’el, who had done many exploits; he slaughtered two lion-like men of Moav; also he went down and slaughtered an ari in a bor (pit) on a yom sheleg (snowy day).

23 And he slaughtered the ish HaMitzri, a man of great stature, five cubits high; and in the yad HaMitzri was a khanit like a rod of an oreg (weaver); and he went down to him with a shevet (club), and plucked the khanit out of the yad HaMitzri, and slaughtered him with his own khanit.

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